Saint Felix School - Ipswich
What is Saint Felix School like?
Saint Felix School is set in 75 acres of safe and secure grounds in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty within walking distance of Southwold and located on the Suffolk Heritage Coast.
The school aims to produce distinctive characters who are aware of their privileged position in receiving education and look to live their lives through action rather than just word. Saint Felix pupils speak confidently and understand the art of listening. As well as forming positive human relationships, they embrace too, technology and change.
At Saint Felix, a great pride is taken in offering the requisite support and resources to equip pupils with the skills necessary to become well-rounded individuals who fulfil their potential and are prepared to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Their aim is to maximise the potential of each individual’s skills, be they academic, practical, creative or social. The school upholds traditional values within a modern environment to give every child the best possible start in life.
Would Saint Felix School be a good fit for my child?
Saint Felix School offers its pupils an opportunity to discover and develop their full potential in terms of academic, sporting and creative achievement through a broad and balanced curriculum, through high quality teaching and learning and through supportive pastoral care. Education at Saint Felix is individualised as much as is possible. Students benefit from being able to select from a range of A Level subjects, including subjects such as Latin, that are not available in other local institutions.
Extra curricular activities on offer include various sporting clubs from the more traditional Rugby and Hockey to fencing and shooting, Art, Drama and Music activities, Chess Club, Film Club and STEM activities building cars to race. Saint Felix pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves and develop new skills and interests, as well as enjoy old ones. Among the vast spectrum of state of the art facilities on offer are a full equestrian cross-country course and a purpose-built swimming and sports complex.
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