North London Collegiate School - Edgeware
What is North London Collegiate School like?
North London Collegiate is one of the top independent day schools for girls in the UK, providing a world class education for just over 1000 girls aged 4-18. The school boasts a stunning campus with plenty of space and fantastic facilities, and there is a separate junior department for girls up to the age of 11. Results are superb and the school is one of the most competitive to get into. Most girls join at 4+, 7+ or 11+ but there are sometimes vacancies in other year groups.
North London Collegiate School offers the IB Diploma, as well as A-levels, in 6th form, something which illustrates the school's global outlook and internatinally acclaimed alumnae.
Would North London Collegiate School be suitable for my daughter?
Suitability of NLCS will depend on the age at which you hope for your daugher to join, as competition for places (and therefore academic entrance requirements) steadily increase as you rise up through the year groups. Even if you are applying for for your daughter to join early, with the plan for her to spend her whole school life in NLCS, you must be aware that, as the years go by, your daughter will have huge expectations to be academically successful.
Despite the academic focus, NLCS offers its girls a superbly rounded curriculum with sport, art, music and theatre all very much on the agenda. The atmosphere is well-to-do but still most weloming to the diverse families and girls in attendance.
How can I apply for North London Collegiate School?
Demand is incredibly high so, if you live within a reasonable distance, it is advisable to get your daughter's name regsitered as soon as you can. Most girls join at 4+, 7+ or 11+, but occasional places can sometimes be available. BEfore making an approach, it is worth contacting us to review your daughter's credentials and offer further advice on suitability.
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