DLD College London
What is DLD London College like?
Established in 1931 and now part of the Alpha+ group of colleges, DLD College London holds a prime location next to Waterloo station, overlooking the Thames and Houses of Parliament. With space for up to 500 students, the college offers a wealth of GCSE, A-level, foundation and BTEC programmes for domestic and international students alike. Boarding is offered on site, and the college premises are sleek, modern, and purpose built.
Like most private 6th form colleges, the atmosphere is less formal than a traditional school, aiming to provide the perfect bridge between school and university. There is no uniform and students are on first name terms with teachers, all of who are highly qualified subject specialists. DLD College offers specialist Med School and Oxbridge application support, with all students receiving personal support with university applications.
Half of the student cohort are international students and the majority of students study 2 year GCSE or A-level courses, with an average class size of just 6 students. Bespoke re-sit programmes are also offered, and the college takes great care to provide students with a personalised timetable and level of support required to achieve their full academic potential.
Would DLD College London be suitable for my child?
DLD College London is non-selective, but expects students to be prepared to give their all towards academic achievement. Of course, the college’s nature and location requires students to have a somewhat mature and level-headed approach as, whilst pastoral care is excellent, the distractions of London life are right on their doorstep.
Students with high aspirations and the maturity to benefit from everything London has to offer will thrive in this multicultural and modern environment.
How can I apply to DLD College London?
DLD College offers a huge range of courses and subjects, and has the capacity and will to create bespoke learning programmes for its students. Popular courses and boarding beds are in very high demand, so earlier applications are advisable. Of course, if you explain your child’s circumstances to us, we will be able to advise whether this is the right college for them, and help with any subsequent application.

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