Daily summary of the latest news and opinions from the world of independent education bought to you by Education Advisers... 

Barnaby Lenon: ‘A promising system is less good for the least academic 50%’

“Showing promise, could do better” Barnaby Lenon, Chairman of the Independent Schools Council looks at the relationship between state and independent schools.

“For 35 years I taught largely in independent schools. In recent years I have been involved with both independent and state schools. The two sectors are in competition but have much to learn from each other. Independent schools have the advantage of more income per pupil, state schools have the advantage that they can attract applicants without the impediment of fees.

In recent years, heads and trustees of some state schools have been to visit independent schools and learn from them. When I became the chairman of governors of a state school, I decided to do the same thing in reverse. “


See also: Financial & Tax Planning for School Fees https://best-schools.co.uk/expert-advice-financial-and-tax-planning/ 

Heads replace newsletters with updates on Twitter

Parents’ seemingly insatiable need for information about their children’s education is killing off the school newsletter in favour of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts that can be constantly updated.

Increasingly, social media is being used to share news and photos about pupils’ achievements, from food cooked in home economics to sports matches and art classes. Harris Academy South Norwood, in south London, even live-tweets its school trips.


See also: Education Advisers Social Media Pages Twitter & Facebook