Getting into Medical School
There is a huge demand for places in UK Medical Schools, Dental Schools and Veterinary Colleges. AAA grades at A Levels (or equivalent in the IB or Pre-U) including Chemistry and Biology are almost mandatory just to get to the first screening stage, before consideration of the Personal Statement, References, Work Experience, Special Admissions Tests and an interview. Less than half of applicants succeed. It is therefore crucial for parents to choose private senior schools or sixth form colleges which will not only deliver the exam success but also thoroughly prepare the student in all the other requirements. Some schools have great success with medical career students and others may only send the odd student every few years. You must not leave this to chance – the right school will optimise the student’s chances of a medical degree offer.
This section of our website focuses on (a) How to select the best school or college for A Levels, Pre-U or IB and (b) How to select the best degree course and University. It is such a complex group of issues that we decided to describe them in a comprehensive eGuide entitled Getting into University Medical or Dental School or Veterinary College. See the end of this section for details.
The comprehensive eGuide is given without charge to all clients who sign up to our advisory process on choice of private school / 6th form college or university. Just complete the advice enquiry form at the bottom of this page. Enquirers wanting the simplified eGuide without advice can obtain a copy by clicking here.
Having stated that all students need AAA grades, there are actually other routes into medicine which can help candidates with lower grades down to BBC. These involve a Pre-Med Course or Foundation for one year, which then leads into Medical Schools in the UK and EU or other International Centres. Additionally after the first year of these courses, you can often be accepted into the second year of the Medical School degree.
Phone us on +44 0)1622 813870 to discuss or complete an enquiry form.